Université Dauphine (2023-2024)

This year, I am teaching statistics at Université Paris Dauphine, in the Master Executive – Statistiques & Big data (EMSBD). Material available here.

AgroParisTech (2022-2023)

My classes as a Senior Lecturer (Maître de conférence) at AgroParisTech:

Université Mohamed VI, Morocco (2022-2023)

My classes as a Senior Lecturer (Maître de conférence) at Université Mohamed VI:

I have several experiences as teaching assistant :

Ecole Polytechnique (2019-2022)

  • Probability refresher (Master Level, for the X-HEC Data science for Business Master of Science)
  • Statistics (Master Level, for the X-HEC Data science for Business Master of Science)
  • Bachelor Thesis tutor